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Can you help me save a poor bird and it´s eggs ?

Hi :) I´m in Denmark, so i´ll write this in english cause my norweigean leaves something to be desired :)
A couple of pigeons have nested in a tree outside my window. But for a long time now i´ve only seen one bird, which always sits on the nest. I fear the other is dead, so I´ve tried leaving some food and water out for the one left. But it seems it can´t leave the nest, so I´m contemplating climbing up there to put some food closer to it - however, I´m afraid of scaring it off.
Do you have any suggestion as to what I can do to help it survive, or is it possible there are actually two birds? I read somewhere the male sits on the eggs during the daytime, while the female keeps them warm at night.
I greatly appreciate any help you can give me, as it really saddens me to see this poor lonely bird.
With kind regards,

H.J. (17.05.2007)

The best advice is to let the bird in peace. Probably both parents are there, and both will be incubating. If one is dead, the other will, after a while, leave the nest. That is just what happens with a lot of nests in nature, and if you should interfere with all of them, you would have a very hard time.....
Very often what we believe to be seeing is not what actually is taking place, and interfering may cause more harm than intended.

Roar Solheim (18.05.2007)

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