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Her kan du stille spørsmål om ville fugler og få svar fra en ornitolog. Om du laster opp et bilde av en fugl som du vil ha hjelp til å artsbestemme, så er det viktig å skrive hvor og når bildet ble tatt. Husk også å søke etter gamle svar, da vi ikke nødvendigvis gir nye svar til allerede stilte spørsmål.

Besvarte spørsmål

#Sykdom og skader

Blåmeis rescue and rehabilitation.

Just yesterday I opened back door to my garden and there was a blåmeis on the ground barely alive half buried in snow. I don’t know what happened. I brought it in and kept it warm and its condition has improved a little but still very weak.

How long should I keep the blåmeis until full recovery?
What are the laws in Norway regarding keeping wild birds like blåmeis?


N.N (03.01.2018)

As long as you are doing your best to help the bird, there are no legal problems. I guess it may have hit a window and got a concussion. Birds may regain their senses within an hour or so, but sometimes it may take a couple of days. Keep the bird indoors and try to give it some water. Hold a droplet of water on your finger and bring it to the beak of the bird - it will then be able to swallow by itself. Repeat several times so the bird gets at least some water. If it starts to act like normal, you can let it loose during daytime. Good luck!

Roar Solheim (03.01.2018)

Alle spørsmål og svar Still et nytt spørsmål