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Spør en ornitolog

Her kan du stille spørsmål om ville fugler og få svar fra en ornitolog. Om du laster opp et bilde av en fugl som du vil ha hjelp til å artsbestemme, så er det viktig å skrive hvor og når bildet ble tatt. Husk også å søke etter gamle svar, da vi ikke nødvendigvis gir nye svar til allerede stilte spørsmål.

Besvarte spørsmål



Bilde vedlagt spørsmålet

I found this egg all by itself, laying beside my driveway in the grass. Couldn't find a nest anywhere so figured maybe something try to take off with it and eat it. Wondering what kind of bird it might be. It's a light teal with a bunch of brown specks at the bottom. It has an embryo in it but it's hard to tell if there are any blood vessels or not. I have it wrapped up in cotton in a basket sitting on a heating blanket with a heat lamp over it. I have no idea how old it is. Is there anyway to tell and what kind is it? The embryo is pretty big. Any help would be great as there are no bird experts around. I don't want it to die and I'm even willing to be it's momma for as long as I need to.

C. (03.06.2020)

Leave it. You are not allowed to incubate and hatch a wild bird.

Roar Solheim (03.06.2020)

Alle spørsmål og svar Still et nytt spørsmål